About Me
Hello! I am Casey, amateur radio callsign KC7E! I am an amateur radio operator located in Thermopolis, Wyoming. I originally was licensed as KD0JXU in January 2010, and earned my vanity callsign KC7E in March 2024.
I am very involved in my local amateur radio community. I am the President of the Big Horn Basin Amateur Radio Club (KI7W), and the President and founding member of the Hot Springs County Amateur Radio Club (WY7HSC). I am also the Emergency Coordinator for Hot Springs County ARES, and an active Wyoming RACES member.
One of my biggest passions with amateur radio is helping others learn and earn their license. I am a very active Volunteer Examiner (VE) with ARRL and W5YI. If you would like to schedule an exam, please visit my contact page and send me a message. I would love to help you earn your license!
You can view more of my biography at my QRZ page.